Outrage over poor A-Level results, Universities that admit students on provisional results face a difficult situation

The 45,000 students who received
their A-level results on 11th August are deeply concerned about the fewer
As and Bs awarded this time by the Cambridge International Examinations (CIA) .
The reason seems to be that certain papers were cancelled due to the protests
that erupted in the country in the aftermath of the events of 9th
May. Reportedly the CIE has announced the results of the cancelled papers based
on predicted results using certain procedures.
The unusual results have caused
problems for certain universities that admit students based on provisional
results before the A-level result is announced. Fewer As and Bs now mean that
some students admitted provisionally do not now meet the admission criteria and
the universities concerned have to either cancel their admission or revise the
criteria as a one-time special case.
The Institute of Business Administration has revised the criteria. The revised criteria for admission into BS at the IBA are available on the Institute’s website. The Institute has also asked the students who are marginally short of meeting the revised criteria to improve their grades in the next six months, before the next semester i.e. Soring 2024 starts.
Source: Dawn https://www.dawn.com/news/1769835/wrecked-dreams-as-a-level-results-spark-outrage-calls-for-remedy
IBA: https://admissions.iba.edu.pk/important-announcement-fall2023-undergraduate-intake.php